Jins ‘Ajam

Root jins of the Maqam ‘Ajam Family

Jins Index

Jins ‘Ajam has two versions:

The 5-note version of Jins ‘Ajam is the most common version, and is the first jins in Maqam ‘Ajam and Maqam Shawq Afza. It is notated here with its tonic on C and its ghammaz on G.

Click the notes and hold using the mouse to hear them play.

A3 B3 C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 A4

The 3-note version of Jins ‘Ajam occurs mostly when it is used as a secondary jins, for example on the 6th scale degree of Maqam Bayati, Maqam Saba or Maqam Kurd. This version is a carry over from Maqam ‘Ajam ‘Ushayran. It is notated here with its tonic on B♭.

Click the notes and hold using the mouse to hear them play.

G4 A4 B4♭ C5 D5 E5♭ F5

Jins ‘Ajam 5-note version examples

Jins ‘Ajam 3-note version examples