Arabic Musical Forms


Form Index

Most traditional and classical Arabic music, whether composed or improvised, follows set forms called qawalib in Arabic (singular qalab, literally a mold or a shaped container). Qawalib are templates to guide the composer and improviser, and are used both in vocal and instrumental music. Qawalib give the musician a familiar framework to work in, and create a sense of comfort and expectation in the listeners.

Qawalib are conveniently organized here according to their vocal/instrumental and composed/improvised dimensions.

Antique Riqq Pattern
Vocal Composed Forms

Learn about the Dawr, Muwashah, Qadd, Taqtuqa, Ughniya, Qasida, Monologue and Duet.

Antique Riqq Pattern
Instrumental Composed Forms

Learn about the Dulab, Maqtu‘a, Muqaddima, Tahmila, and Darij.

Antique Riqq Pattern
Ottoman Instrumental Forms

Learn about the Sama‘i, Longa and Bashraf.

Antique Riqq Pattern
Improvised Forms

Learn about the Taqsim, Layali, Mawwal and Qasida.
